Support for those in need in Silves & Lagos

castelo de sonhosCastelo de Sonhos which supports low income families and married couples, and individuals living alone. Although the area covered by the charity is Silves and outlying areas, in more recent times they are collaborating with the Centro de Apoio Familiar e Aconselhamento Parental (CAFAP) which is currently supporting families who live in Portimão.

This support is mostly in the form of donations of food and articles of hygeine, to families who are already on low incomes, but with the additional problem of not being able to work due to the Covid lock-down. Many for example worked in the restaurant and tourist industry which as you know have been forced to close during this Covid crisis. 

Castelo de Sonhos would normally be able to support some local families through the money raised from its charity shop in Silves, but sadly, during the lock-down this hasn't been possible. This means there is a short fall of cash that would have normally paid for the following kinds of products: powdered milk, baby food, nappies, lice shampoo, baby wipes and soap. We were shocked to discover that formula milk for babies can cost anything from 12-20 Euros, per tin!! 

A small group of us have been working with Castelo over the last two years feel highly motivated to help raise additional funds for this very worthy cause. We are sure you will be equally motivated to donate money, either a one off payment, or commit to regular monthly payments over the next four months. Just think, if a small group of 5 friends gave 20 euros each, this would pay for 5 tins of milk, with some money to spare to pay for nappies. All contributions are welcome.

If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me, Paul Jokinen-Carter by email, or by telephone, 910 665 601.

But if you are ready to donate here are the bank details for payment:

IBAN: PT50 0045 7130 4020 9663 6392 9.
Please use the word 'Babies' as the payment reference.

A big thank you in advance. 

Warm regards,

Paul JC
Volunteer Fund Raiser for Castelo de Sonhos, IPSS no. 3000062892
