Cátia Cat is looking for a loving home

CÁTIA CAT IS LOOKING FOR A LOVING HOMEMore good news! Ourém, featured in the ADN in January, has been adopted! Best wishes to "the girl with blue eyes" who is adapting well, adored and adoring!
Our cat of the week this week is Cátia...

Cátia Cat is looking for a loving home"Hi! I'm Cátia. I'm a small sized female, neutered, with a stumpy tail. I'm gentle and affectionate and in need of a new home.

As a kitten, I was shut up in a room without any light, together with a dog. Our owner was a drug user, and often too distracted to remember to feed us.  A neighbour used to push food under the door on newspaper for us. Eventually I was brought to the ADAPO* cat shelter.

When I first arrived here, in the open air, I went a little bit crazy; running around, climbing trees, trying to chase after butterflies...

After a while, I grew calmer. I've been here for at least a year, but I'm still young and hopeful. I love to play, and I'm lonely for a friend. I'm waiting for you!"

If you´d like to know more about Cátia or any other ADAPO cats, you can email bigodesolhao@gmail.com, or visit our Facebook page to leave a message.

See more info on ADAPO and the cats available for adoption on the ADAPO Facebook page. 

*ADAPO, or Associação pela Defesa dos Animais e Plantas de Olhão, is a local non-profit group established in 2004 by Célia Caravela.