Associação Animais Guia needs your support!

ASSOCIAÇÃO ANIMAIS GUIA NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!The AAG Charity shop in Guia are desperately looking for Volunteers, Shoppers and donations for their fabulous shop opposite the Guia Football Clube restaurante.

ASSOCIAÇÃO ANIMAIS GUIA NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!Donations of clothes, kitchen equipment, crockery, pans, books and linens of all sorts are gladly accepted.  The charity also needs financial donations to support dozens of cats, and 10 dogs which belonged to Viccy, who started the charity, since she sadly passed away a few years ago.

If you have a free morning or afternoon, the charity also need volunteers for 4 hour shifts in the shop, no language skills needed… everything is price marked. 

The AAG Charity shop Guia is open Mon-Fri 10- 18.00 hrs.

For more information, please contact Alistair MacGregor on 968 555 194.