Sitting Pretty

BeatrizChildren’s charity ACCA, with the help of funds raised by the recent Conrad Bike Ride, has been able to give freedom and support to little Beatriz, age 2 1/2, who lives in Quarteria with her parents. She now has a new pushchair, but one that can do far more than the norm!

The consultant of Beatriz’s mother, Ilda, missed an appointment late in the pregnancy. The amniotic fluid surrounding the embryo had dried up and as the result, Beatriz was born in an emergency situation, starved of oxygen. Not only this, but she has a rare genetic makeup of which there are only 13 cases in the world, one in Portugal.

The super-chair, delivered by the staff of OrthoRehab in Lisbon, can hold Beatriz’s body in place so that she can now sit up and see the world going on around her. The support is strong and can help develop those all-important muscles, and there is a separate stand which can be used in the home to wheel the child around and even allow her to sit at the table to eat meals with her parents instead of lying on the kitchen floor.

Beatriz’s caring and dedicated parents have worked incredibly hard to collect thousands of plastic bottle tops – the garage is full of them; they have approached local restaurants and collect the tops regularly; these are taken to a centre, which sends the money directly to the various clinics to fund the specialised treatments that Beatriz needs. The parents have also created a website, to garner as much interest as possible.

They have found a special physiotherapy centre in Espinho, in northern Portugal, which is unique in Portugal, and have booked her in for a two-month intensive course of therapies to help her progress. Ilda will learn how to carry out the treatments herself as well as using advanced equipment to stimulate the muscles.

The cost is over 6000€ and the family have raised 2300€ so far, but plan to hold parties to raise more money; they intend to take out a loan to pay any deficit.

If you want to donate to this very worthy cause through ACCA, use the following transfer details: IBAN PT50 0079 0000 4342641910 122; NIB 0079 0000 4342641910 122.
Please be sure that you put Donate For Beatriz in the information section. Or called Gwenda on 918 376 657.

Left to right: ACCA President Wanda Crawford; Conrad General Manager Joachim Hartl; Beatriz’s parents; Ana Cardeira, Human Resource Manager of the hotel.