Vilamoura International School takes students to Canada

Vilamoura International School takes students to CanadaVilamoura International School (CIV) organises a biennial trip to Canada for Year 11 and 12 students, to give them more options when choosing tertiary education. Students from the returning group addressed their peers to tell them more about their experience.

Niagara FallsThe CIV students flew to Toronto and had the opportunity to experience College and University life, as well as learn about the History and Culture. The hosts, Fanshawe College in London (Ontario), were extremely helpful in organising both the academic and cultural visits. Students were able to visit various faculties including medical, engineering, media, business, hospitality …

There was also a tour of Western University and the University of Toronto who offer a wide spectrum of courses, in their outstanding facilities. Both universities ranking amongst the best in the world.

No trip to Canada would be complete without visiting the Niagara Falls, the CN Tower and dinner with a view of Lake Ontario.

The CIV students returned with wider knowledge, more choices for their future, lots of stories and a broad smile.

The students visiting Fanshawe College