Professional Lifeguard Training Course - enrolment now open!

PROFESSIONAL LIFEGUARD TRAINING COURSE - ENROLMENT NOW OPEN!Enrolment for The Lifeguard Association of Albufeira is now open! Admission tests for a lifeguard training course starting on 14th of February will take place on February 13th.

The course, by the Professional Lifeguard Training School FEPONS (EFNSP Certified by ISN No. 03/2016), will promote a Lifeguard Course, with admission tests on February 13, 2023 , starting the course on the 14th of February, in strict compliance with the regulations of health entities and other institutional entities.

Enrollment, currently underway, with a limit of 30 places, ends on February 9, 2023.

Registration through the link:

The course comprises 31 sessions for a total of 150 hours, from Monday to Saturday  (+ admission tests - minimum daily workload 5 hours), after work hours, in which the final exam will be held during working hours, and on a date to be determined by the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos (ISN).

To apply, you must meet the following admission conditions:

• Be at least 18 years old at the start date of the course;
• Be fluent in Portuguese;
• Minimum literary qualification corresponding to Compulsory Schooling (depending on age: born up to 12/31/1966 – 4th year; born between 01/01/1967 and 12/31/1980 – 6th year; born between 01/01/1981 and 31 /12/2002 – 9th year; born after 01/01/2003 – 12th year or 12 years of school attendance;
• Provide proof of professional activities carried out and other relevant elements for assessing your ability to attend the course;
• Possess Physical Robustness and Psychic Profile for the activity of lifeguard, proven by Medical Certificate (Certificate for this purpose).

Other information:

Registration cost:
• €215.00 (€40.00 for the Admission Exam + €175.00 for the Registration Fee);

• Includes insurance, Lifeguard Manual (2016 version – 2nd Edition) and 1 resuscitation mask;
. Payment by bank transfer
. Payment facilities through initial minimum payment, sending an email with a request for this purpose.

Admission Tests:
1. Run 2400 meters in a maximum time of 14 minutes;
2. Swim 100 meters freestyle, in a maximum time of 1:50 minutes
3. Underwater swimming (apnea) in a minimum time of 20 seconds
4. Swim 25 meters in supine position (back), kicking only
5. Pick up two weights at a minimum depth of 2 meters

Training Certification: Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos
The training is valid throughout the country, for the performance of lifeguard duties, at any beach/pool, for a period of 3 years, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Contacts: email fepons – | ANSA –

Entities that support:
• Municipality of Albufeira
• Lifeguard Association of Albufeira – ANSA
• Rotary Club of Albufeira
• Navibordo

Note: Courses with a high employability rate, being an excellent career path even for young people who, through this lifeguard course, have the possibility of being able to work not only in seasonal periods, but increasingly throughout the year .