Tavira’s towering roof tops

Tavira’s towering roof topsThe history of Tavira is exemplified by its extraordinary ‘roof-scape’. Realistically captured on canvas by Juli-Anne Coward, her paintings are displayed at Galeria Côrte-Real in Paderne. 

Tavira consists of a conglomeration of buildings many of them sheltered beneath terracotta tiles with ornate balustrades and balconies and a huge variety of church spires. Adding to the urban clutter are recently installed water tanks, air-conditioning units and solar panels. Using a distinctive modern style Juli faithfully recreates these unique buildings that span a period of almost 500 years. Remarkably some of them withstood Europe’s strongest earthquake which took place off the Algarve’s west coast in 1755.

Over the centuries Tavira has experienced huge prosperity as a shipping port and as an important centre for tuna fishing. Grand houses and more than 20 churches reflect the town’s illustrious past. The silting up of the River Gilão and the changing habits of the tuna shoals eventually lead to Tavira’s commercial demise. What is left behind enchanted Juli when she first visited earlier this year. Her pictures successfully sum up the town’s present vibrant atmosphere by looking at its past.

Charmed in equal measure by Juli’s paintings and Tavira, the owners of Côrte-Real feature a selection of her latest pictures at the gallery.

Galeria Côrte-Real is Juli’s sole representative in Portugal and she is a regular participant at London’s prestigious Affordable Art Fairs.

Galeria Côrte-Real is signposted from Boliqueime, Ferreiras and Paderne and is open from Thursday to Sunday, 11am until 5pm.

T: 912 737 762