Are you looking after your kids' and grandkids' future?

Say no to oil rigs in the AlgarveDuring December ASMAA participated in a heated debate with a group of kids that led to the results below.

The topic was “What are YOU doing TODAY to protect the Algarve for ME and MY KIDS from oil and gas exploration?” - They had already discussed this topic with their parents and other family members.

Here’s what they told ASMAA:

1. My parents don’t give “a damn” if the oil and gas companies put a platform in the water, it’s not their problem.
2. My parents do not WANT to get involved.
3. My mom said “Someone will take care of it, we don’t have to do anything”
4. My granny said “ It does not affect us”
5. My dad said “ It’s the government responsibility, not ours”
6. My mom said “I’ll just sit and wait before I do anything”
7. My dad said “I signed the petition, that’s enough”

What will YOU tell your kids when asked the same question?
And what will you do or tell them in the future because YOU and your family members DID NOTHING?

1. When there is no work for them in the future!
2. When they can’t fish in the Algarve waters due to pollution?
3. When they can’t use the sea because it’s full of platforms and protected areas?
4. When you have to sell your house below the price that you paid for it because nobody wants to live here anymore?
5. When you can’t pass your business over to them because you were forced to close it down?
6. When you can’t feed yourself, or them, or your family anymore?
7. When you are forced to leave the Algarve because there is no more tourism, or money to support you and your family?

All it will take is YOU doing NOTHING! Is this what YOU really want for your kids?
Yes, I know YOU have signed the petition. But what else HAVE YOU DONE?

Here’s a list of WHAT YOU CAN DO ...CLICK HERE

But to provide you with marketing material, information and people it costs money.

From August to December 2013 we received €500,10 in donations, which we are truly grateful for, as it helped us in carrying some of our costs, but the balance of the money was provided by the founders of the association.

We are leading this campaign, but we can’t keep on funding it ourselves, we need to raise some serious funding if we are to truly to get impact and results that we all want and in the process fight to ensure that ALL KIDS have a future in the Algarve.

WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?You get to tell your kids one day … “I did all that I could do.”

Donate NOW to the Say NO to Oil and Gas in the Algarve campaign

Your support is vital to sustain and grow ASMAA’s objectives! Every contribution makes a difference. Be it 25, 50 or 100 Euros, etc - whatever amount you feel is justifiable and you can afford we are grateful.

Bank Account Holder: ASMAA Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association
NIB: 0038 0000 40309681771 32 (If you are in Portugal)
IBAN: PT50 0038 0000 40309681771 32 (For International payments)
NOTE: Your donations are tax deductible in Europe. Anywhere else please check with your accountant. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes please email:

Get at least another 2 people to sign the petition we need to reach 100 000 signatures if we are to truly have impact.

Share the petition via e-mail, on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin … here’s the link