Thanks to all that heard our call...

Oil drilling in ALgarveWe are so excited! Thanks to all that heard our call …Thanks to all that donated in January. Your donations totalling € 948,02 has enabled us to pay for our first print run of campaign materials which we will be receiving this week. (+-30% of our printing is now taken care of) .

This enables us to start distributing some of the campaign material from next week. If you have a shop window and want to participate, please e-mail us.

In addition we have been offered the following in kind contributions - we extend our deepest thanks to all of you:

1. A painting by Guida Vieira that we can auction (normal selling price is € 400)
2. 40% commission on any of Guida Vieira’s paintings that we sell as part of the campaign. E-mail me for more details of her other paintings.
3. Sandra Coelho Filipe from has offered us 120 Euros design value to be used for campaign promotional material.
4. WebDevEurope, our old IT partners has once again come to the table, and has offered us a totally new website with a value of over 6000 Euros to replace our old research site “I Support Lagos” … the new site is going to be called “I Support Algarve / Eu Apoio o Algarve” and will be used as part of an ongoing funding program for ASMAA. It’s estimated that the new community site will be online in April just before the start of the summer season.
5. Fatima Noronha, from Hidroespaco in Faro has very kindly offered us their space to run a Disclosure Workshop about the campaign, and to invite about 20 people to attend as well. If you would like to participate in this information session please let us know. The date is the 13 of February 2014. E-mail me for details. Spaces are limited.
6. We are so grateful to Nori, Lucan and the rest of the team from “Be as ONE Foundation” that has partnered with us. They are currently operating in the Alvor/Portimao area.

As you can see there’s lots that you can do that does not require money, but requires your effort. There is no excuse to not participate.

CLICK HERE to see things you can do to help.

I want to share with you a comment left by Alexander from Loulé on the comments section of the petition - he put our own thoughts into words...

Only about 3,5k supporters? You gotta be kidding me ...
The Algarve´s vital future is on the edge, and nobody seems to care. So sad... Is this the way it is supposed to be?
Maybe this is a good thing... In my humble opinion, if almost nobody feels responsible for what is about to happen, then you don´t even deserve the Algarve at all! One day, when it´s already too late, people might think "Oh noooo! This is horrible! Why didn´t we act..."
Well, we still have a chance (if you spend 3 minutes of your life to post this on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail it to your friends, and so on... naah, too much work, am I right? COME ON! You´re better than this - Now spread this petition, and save the Algarve!) Please support this petition before it´s too late!

You have to ask yourself what is really important.

1. Spending 20 Euros on a meal or supporting this cause?
2. Buying the latest fashion T-shirt for 50 Euros or supporting this cause?
3. Attending a soccer match in another town for 100 Euros or supporting this cause?

We are now just a few days away from the kick-start of the campaign which is planned to run until August. There is no doubt that the Algarve is facing a strategic moment in history, whether we will all gather in unity or not; whether we will support each other or not that is a choice that we will all have to make.
How you respond to this call for help will determine what will happen to our oceans and to our environment, not to mention the economic survival of the Algarve.

Donate now and help us reach our target of raising the 2000 Euros that we are still short by the end of next week.
Every contribution makes a difference. Be it 25, 50 or 100 Euros, etc - whatever amount you feel is justifiable and you can afford, we are grateful.

Bank Account Holder: ASMAA Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association
NIB: 0038 0000 40309681771 32 (If you are in Portugal)
IBAN: PT50 0038 0000 40309681771 32 (For International payments) BIC: BNIFPTPL REF: SAY NO TO OIL AND GAS

NOTE: Your donations are tax deductible in Europe. Anywhere else please check with your accountant. If you would like a receipt for tax purposes please email:

In spite of all the funds that we have received, which has enabled us to carry-on for the moment, the fact remains that we are still 2000 Euros short which we have to pay by the end of this week so that we can get the balance of our printing order delivered.

Thank you from The ASMAA Team

Contact details:
T: 282 789 888
TM: 969 320 231