DIY Landscaping: How to Create a Beautiful Garden on a Small Space

DIY LANDSCAPING: HOW TO CREATE A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN ON A SMALL SPACECreating a beautiful garden is a dream for many homeowners, but limited space can often pose a challenge. However, with a little creativity and strategic planning, even the smallest outdoor areas can be transformed into stunning and inviting gardens.

July in the garden


July is another good month for enjoying the garden rather than for planting owing to the heat. The most important task now through to September is ensuring plants have sufficient water. Except for several native plants and well-established drought-resistant plants, all plants need regular watering.

June in the garden


June is the ideal month to simply enjoy your garden as most of the spring planting should have already been done but the hottest days yet to arrive. 

How to Measure pH in Soil: Unlocking Soil Secret

 How to Measure pH in Soil: Unlocking Soil Secret . @freepik from FreepikThe pH of the soil is its level of acidity or alkalinity. Measuring the pH level matters, especially if you plan to plant on the soil. Some plants thrive in an acidic environment, while some prefer a more alkaline condition.

May in the garden

May in the garden

May is the time to finalise all the spring planting, as the increased heat boosts all plants to really take off. 

From now until November one key to success is to water deeply but appropriately for each plant.

April in the garden

April in the gardenOf course, the Algarve boasts colour year round, but April has the strongest punch of colour of any month. March was the first spring planting month, but if you did not get it all done, there is time to catch up in April. April can bring heavy rain interspersed with warm sunny days, speeding growth. Pests also benefit from the increased warmth, so one should pay attention to early control to avoid wreaking infestation later.

March in the garden

March in the GardenWhen the rain stops, this month will be a good time to plant most summer annuals and perennials, lawns from seeds, many vegetables, and most trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines. For tropical plants, however, it is better to wait until April or May as they will take off better when warmer.

February in the garden

February in the garden After all the work required in January, it is nice to realise that February is more a time of waiting and patience. Some pruning can be done now, but wait for warmer weather before cutting back any frost-damaged branches.