Update issued from the Administrators of Premier FX

PremierFXPremier FX Limited – In Administration (“the Company”)


Portugal introduces new ID Card for foreigners living In Portugal

Portugal Introduces New ID Card For Foreigners Living In PortugalThe Portuguese government is launching a new citizenship card for registered foreigners in Portugal, as part of the 'Simplex + 2018' programme. The aim is to streamline administration of all foreign citizens and reduce much of the country's bureaucracy. The Ministry announced that the new card will be issued in the final quarter of 2019.

Instead of the current 'residency card', by the end of 2019, all foreign nationals living in Portugal will need to have a valid Citizen's Card (Cartão do Cidadão).

Premier FX - 'asset status' will be key

justiceRegarding the appointment of administrators to deal with the shock collapse of Premier FX, Jeremy Boyle of Summit Law LLP writes, "This is potentially welcome news but please forgive me for being cautious - it’s my job!

"For nearly 3 decades I have been advising numerous trustees in bankruptcy, liquidators and administrators and creditors such as yourselves on all aspects of insolvency law.

Do you want to sell your Financial Services business?

questionAs one of the major providers of fiscal representation and tax assistance for foreign residents and non-residents we are looking to acquire similar businesses.

If you are interested and wish to sell either your business or your portfolio, why not get in touch for a confidential exploratory conversation?

Kenya and Portugal sign an agreement for avoidance of double taxation.

kenyaThe main objective of the Agreement on the Avoidance Double Taxation is to eliminate double taxation of income or gains arising in one country and paid to residents of the other country.

This will create a conducive environment for investments and trade in goods and services between the countries by removing uncertainties on taxation occasioned by having two different jurisdictions at play.

Residency in Portugal - how did you register?

brexitLenBritish in Europe is running  a survey to help us find out more about your experiences of registering for residence as a British citizen when you arrived in your host EU country , and also of applying for a permanent residence card after five years.

The definitive guide to the new land clearance and fire protection rules

countrysideWelcome to our 5th  Definitive Guide to Rural Fire Protection and Land Cleaning. This special edition marks Civil Protection Day 1st March, writes David Thomas from Safe Communities Portugal.
Providing a safe environment is important to our quality of life here in Portugal. Fires in rural areas pose a risk to communities including: ourselves, our families, friends, animals and properties.

Data protection compliance statement - algarvedailynews.com

6208aRegulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, published in the OJEU on 4 May 2016 is applicable from 25 May 2018.

This Regulation repeals previous Directive 95/46/EC (and, as a consequence, most of our Portuguese Law 67/98 of 26 October).