Madeleine: Summers and Swan interview (Part II)

madeleine9In part two of Len Port's interview with Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan, the authors explain more about the background to their new book Looking for Madeleine, their thoughts on the police investigations so far, and what may now lie ahead in this extraordinary case.

Sir Cliff - The right to Privacy

Sir Cliff - The right to PrivacyI am sure that everyone was shocked to learn about an allegation against Sir Cliff Richard and the search of a property owned by him in the UK. However in my professional judgement more troubling is the fact that the search was televised live resulting in it becoming media headlines and the subject of social media gossip and speculation worldwide. Whatever happens from here Sir Cliff’s reputation has been seriously damaged.

Children exposed to bullfight violence

bullfightingMany foreign holidaymakers are unwittingly mistreating their children and breaking the law by bringing under-age youngsters to bullfights, according to animal rights activists in the Algarve.

The activist group Cidade de Albufeira Anti Touradas (CAAT) is urging the government inspectorate in charge of safety at public shows to stop turning a blind eye to the illegal admittance of children under the age of 12.

Ronnie Biggs by Jack Harvey

ronniebiggsIt seems that The Great Train Robbery, which took place over 51 years ago still catches peoples imagination and The Ed has asked if I could provide any more details of what has been described as ‘The Crime of the Century’.

I must point out that I am not a crime historian and most of my information comes from memory and noting events that are connected to previous crimes later on This means you’re relying on information from a bloke who may remember what happened thirty five years ago but can’t remember what he had for lunch yesterday.

Viviane Reding on the harmonisation and development of the EU's justice systems

scalesViviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission, and EU Justice Commissioner, gave a keynote speech titled  'Justice past, justice present and justice future – three messages to the European Council.'

The speech was delivered at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels on 20 June 2014.

Madeleine: what's behind the search?

praiadaluzMany people with a keen interest in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann are hopeful that the latest phase in the investigation will reveal vital evidence that will lead to the solving of the seven-year-old mystery. Many others have already written it off as a waste of time – or maybe worse.

A prevalent view is that the Metropolitan Police Service must have good reason for mounting an extensive ground search to which they have committed a forensic team, ground-penetrating radar equipment, specialist dogs and with heavy earth-moving machinery on stand-by.

Is the Madeleine case at a crossroad?

praiadaluzThe Madeleine McCann case seems to have reached a critical juncture: police are planning to start a new phase in the investigation, but there is a very real risk it may collapse in disarray.

The paradox is explained by a fundamental difference in the way the Portuguese and British police go about their business.

Madeleine: digging for the truth?

madeleine9The Portuguese Polícia Judiciária, often denigrated in the UK for their handling of the Madeleine McCann case, have made in clear they are in charge of the latest phase of the investigation and that the Metropolitan Police Service and the British media had better toe the line.  

Mark Rowley, assistant commissioner of the Met, says he has discussed with his PJ counterpart the high level of interest in the forthcoming ground search activity, some of which is likely to take place in public.