What Is The Best Wheelchair For Seniors?

expatWhen one gets older, the skeletal system and muscles become weaker. This also means that the elderly person will not be able to walk freely or stay on their feet for a long time. As a result, the elderly use a wheelchair to allow them to move around with ease.

So yes, these seniors need a wheelchair for easy movement, but which is the best wheelchair to choose? That depends on a few factors. However, the most common factor that will determine the wheelchair that a senior citizen should use is the type of wheelchair.

So, if you are looking for a wheelchair for your elderly parents or grandparents, here are some of the factors you should look out for:

The Type of Wheelchair

One thing you should keep in mind is that not every elderly will have the same needs. Some seniors can move around the house without much difficulty, but they’ll need a wheelchair when moving out of the house. On the other hand, some elderly people will move with the wheelchair both in the house and outside. That being said, let’s explore the top wheelchairs suitable for the elderly.

  • Electric/Motor-Powered Wheelchairs

An electric wheelchair, which is motor-powered, is the perfect choice for the seniors that have limited upper body mobility. In this case, the elderly that use this wheelchair will need some independence because the wheelchair is easy to operate.

The motor-powered wheelchairs are very easy to move around the house and go out around town. Nonetheless, they are quite heavy and will need to be moved by a van that is big enough. Normally, an electric wheelchair will not easily fold-up like other wheelchairs out there. But it doesn’t give the user a difficult time to move around.

  • Manual Wheelchairs

This is the direct opposite of the electric wheelchair, and it is quite common among the elderly. A manual wheelchair is either pushed from behind or moved by the chair user by pushing the handles on the wheels. It is ideal for the elderly that are either extremely independent or those that need constant care by a nurse or a loved one.

Before you go for a manual wheelchair for your elderly parent/grandparent, ensure that it suits them perfectly.

  • Lightweight Wheelchairs

The lightweight wheelchairs are just as they sound; lightweight. These are the wheelchairs that can fold-up easily for you to move them around. With the electric wheelchairs, they cannot be folded, and are best left in the upright position. However, lightweight wheelchairs can fold-up easily to fit in almost any space. You won’t have to worry about tampering with anything on the wheelchairs once it is folded. However, you still need to take good care of it for you to enjoy its delivery.

They come with a light frame, so you won’t have a problem putting it in your car’s trunk. These can be used by any elderly. Nonetheless, they are best for the elderly that need a wheelchair wherever they go.

  • Heavy-Duty Wheelchairs

Well, heavy-duty wheelchairs are made of heavy-duty steel, which makes them perfect for the large elderly persons. If your elderly parent/grandparent is tall or wide, you should definitely consider getting them a heavy-duty wheelchair. They are also ideal for the elderly that need mobility assistance. The major drawback of the heavy-duty wheelchair is that they are quite challenging to transport in a vehicle due to their weight.

But on the bright side, most of the heavy-duty chairs are adjustable and they come with fitted anti-tip features. In other words, you don’t have to worry about your senior loved one tipping over with the wheelchair when they are not in your watch. This assures you of some extra security.

There are multiple wheelchairs out there https://www.bestreviews.guide/power-wheelchairs, which you can choose according to the type that suits your elderly loved one.

  • Reclining Wheelchairs

A reclining wheelchair is one that comes with a reclining back. This reclining feature allows the user to adjust the back to the best of their comfort. The reclining wheelchair is ideal for the elderly that require medical treatment in their chair. Seniors that should use this type of wheelchair are those that suffer from sores or any senior that prefers resting at different angles. If your senior loved one prioritizes comfort while on the wheelchair, consider getting them the reclining type.

  • Ultra-Light Chairs

Some of the ultra-light wheelchairs will come in at only ten pounds, which can be carried around by hands with ease. Nonetheless, they don’t tend to be sturdy and rugged as most of the wheelchairs out there. Plus, they are not the perfect choice for the heavy elderly. But, they are the ideal choice if you need to travel with your elderly loved one. They are easily-folded and the caregiver can carry the ultra-light with ease. These wheelchairs are also perfect for the elderly that have multiple caregivers with different strength levels.

Other Factors:

Besides the type of wheelchair, you should also consider other factors. Here is a look at what you should look in a wheelchair beside the type.

  • The weight of the user. This will help you find a wheelchair that can support them perfectly.
  • Customizable or not? Consider if you can customize the wheelchair to meet the mobility and comfort needs of the user
  • Portability. You should also consider if you need to move the wheelchair around or if need to store it when not in use.
  • Comfort level. The level of comfort of the wheelchair and what the user needs will determine if you will choose it or not.
  • You want to choose a wheelchair that will serve the senior for long enough.
  • Obviously, you will need to spend money on the wheelchair. Therefore, consider if it falls in your set budget.

Above all, check out what other users are saying about the wheelchair and if it is reliable enough. Don’t go for a wheelchair just because it appears several times in the pop-up ads on your computer. Instead, do your homework and only go for a reliable unit.

Remember to follow the right care tips to extend the durability and delivery of the wheelchair.