Alvor Choir Fills Church

Alvor Choir Fills ChurchThe small but very nice fishing village of Alvor has very long traditions. Already the Moors had a castle there, today a children's playground. The church is originally from 1498, although rebuilt.

Alvor Choir Fills Church

A few days ago three local choirs performed there for a totally filled church, including many standing.
Traditional Portuguese and Brazilian songs, very well arranged for 24 ladies and 12 gentlemen, as by Lopes Graça and Geraldo Espíndola, were acclaimed. The ADAGIO CHOIR was increased by some 15 youngsters not only to sing, but also whistle and clap on legs, in order to create the vision of wind, heavy rain and birds in the Amazon. The same for a song which gave us the vision of whales in the Atlantic.

Alvor Choir Fills Church

A French choir performed in the second half mainly with baroque pieces of A.Bianchieri and G.Costeley. Only 8 ladies and 4 gentlemen also received standing applauses.

This event made clear as with very small resources, but plenty of social integration it is possible to bring top quality culture to most locations in the Algarve.

Written by Jack Soifer