What You Should Know About Nude Camping

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT NUDE CAMPINGNude camping is an activity that is fairly recent but has caused a significant uproar. The fact is that there are more people willing to do it every year.

As the name suggests, nude camping involves camping naked for most of the day. However, most people usually wear clothes when it gets dark and cold but some might not.

Jumping right into it might be exciting but it might cause you to make many mistakes or even put you in harm. Some amount of preparation is necessary before you go nude camping.

Before you get into nude camping, there are a few things you should know including:

Nude Camping Grounds Are Not Equal

Nude camping is not about choosing a camping spot and simply shedding your attire. There are specific camping grounds to do nude camping and there may be differences among those as well.

There are nude camping grounds that will allow a bit of clothing but there are others that prefer complete nudity. The former type of camping grounds is referred to as clothing-optional camping grounds.

You should choose a clothing-optional camping ground if you are new to the activity. However, if you are confident and want to get into it fully, feel free to shed it all.

Electronic Devices Are Discouraged

Enjoying your camping in the nude is a great experience for many. The last thing you want is someone sneaking on you and taking photos.

Therefore, one thing you should know is that electronic devices are discouraged at most nude camping grounds. In particular phones, cameras, and tablets that can be used to take pictures and record footage are a no-no.

You may be allowed to bring your phone to the campgrounds but you will probably be asked to place a sticker on the camera. Maintaining privacy in nude camping is considered to be paramount.

You should read up on the camping ground that you plan on visiting and find out the norms. There are rules to be observed as you will see next.

There Are Rules to be Followed

Just because you are at a nude camp does not mean that all rules of etiquette are thrown out the window. People want to be free but there are still rules to be observed.

The best way to know the rules for naked campgrounds is to get advice from others who have been there. You can get a good naked camping guide at MapTheMemories.com. You will find the rules and regulations governing most naked campgrounds.

An example of a rule to observe at the nude campground is to avoid any inappropriate behavior if you are there with a romantic partner. Carrying a towel on which to sit is another rule mainly set for sanitary purposes.

You Will Spend a Lot of Time in Nature

Camping has always been a way for people to connect with nature. When you go nude camping, you will be able to do that even more deeply. It makes for a wonderful vacation even if for a few days.

Nude camping is a very freeing experience that will change you forever. Enjoying the sun on every inch of your body or swimming in a lake nude is like no other experience.

There is A Nude Camping AssociationTherefore, if you plan on going nude camping, you should know that you are going to spend a lot of time in nature. You should hence take steps to protect yourself for example carrying insect repellant.

Sunscreen is another great idea if you are going to be spending days naked in front of direct sunlight. Sanitary equipment is also vital. 

There is A Nude Camping Association

You should probably go on your first nude camping trip first and see if you like it. A few more will be even better. If you do, it will be a good idea to join the American Association of Nude Recreation.

Many people are amazed when they find out that there is an association for people who like to enjoy their leisurely activities in the nude. When you join the community, you will be surprised at how many people it has. Furthermore, it is a very respected organization.

Another surprise will be that the association has people of all ages. Therefore, expect to see children and senior citizens when you go nude camping.

Joining the community will give you a sense of belonging in an otherwise far-out activity. You will also find many ideas for other nude adventures.

As you can see, there is a great deal you should know about nude camping. It is not as simple as going out to the woods in your birthday suit. Other nude campers will be of great help. The one thing you should know above all is that it is about having fun.