How to Take a Break if You Are Studying Online While Working from Home

How to take a break when studyingThis lockdown period is the perfect opportunity to pursue an online course, especially for working parents. You have more free time in your hands since you have to work from home. You also don’t need to be on campus to learn.

Whether it’s a short course or a full degree, now is the right time to do it. However, you might realise that you’re biting off more than you can chew once the requirements trickle in. You get overwhelmed, and you can no longer do the right thing. In between work, study, and family, you don’t have time to take a break. These are the things you need to do to get a sufficient break while studying online.

Improve your time management skills 

Everything is possible when you have excellent time management skills. Before you start your day, you must have a checklist that tells you what to do. Stick to it and don’t let yourself get distracted. If you have an hour to finish a study-related task, do it. Drop your phone first, or avoid responding to work-related emails. If you gave yourself two hours of free time in the middle of the day, you could do whatever you want. You can also take a power nap. If you set a realistic schedule, you can get things done on time.

Change your study location

It might also help to study in a different location. You can’t stay in your bedroom all the time. You might hate the place that allows you to relax. Look for a better place. You can go to your patio or terrace. If you’re only reading some academic materials, you don’t need a table. Changing locations will help prevent getting burnt out. You may also meditate if you feel exhausted reading. 

Alternate between study and other activities

Create your schedule in a way that you don’t keep studying all the time. You can spend an hour reading and another hour doing something else. You will finish everything if you learn how to alternate the tasks. Relax in your whirlpool bath before you continue reading. Once you have finished relaxing, you will have the energy needed to do other things. It’s an excellent investment if you don’t have one yet; you feel the fruit of your hard work.

Don’t compare yourself with others

Finish tasks at your own pace. Don’t compare yourself with other people. It’s the beauty of online learning. No one will tell you to rush the process. Sure, there are deadlines to meet, but you can decide how to manage your time. Besides, learning should depend on your needs and not what other people want.

Learn to schedule your requirements well so that studying won’t burn you out. It should be an enjoyable process since you’re learning something new. If it’s not, there’s no point in doing it. You already finished the part of life where you must be under immense pressure because of academics. Learning at this stage can be a fulfilling experience.