Advice for Aspiring Nurses

ADVICE FOR ASPIRING NURSESMany people have aspirations of becoming a nurse and this is for good reason because it is a noble profession. There are also many other perks to nursing, such as making a positive difference to the world, job security and flexibility, just to name a few.

Nursing is also challenging, demanding and competitive, which is why it is important to be aware of a few pieces of advice for aspiring nurses that will hopefully come in useful and set you along the path to a rewarding and lucrative career. Read on for a few tips for aspiring nurses that should help.

Volunteer at a Local Hospital

The very first step to take if you are interested in becoming a nurse is to volunteer at your local hospital or any healthcare facility. This will be a good way to gain some experience in what is a unique field to enter, so it is a chance to dip your toe in the water and to see if it is for you. Not only this, but any kind of medical experience is helpful in terms of finding work later on and it also allows you to begin networking (more on this to come).

Develop Key Skills

Nursing is a profession that requires an accumulation of many different skills. Obviously, the technical skills and knowledge will be developed in nursing school but there are also many other soft skills, which a nurse must possess in order to excel. Some people will naturally possess these skills while others will have to work hard at them and this is worthwhile if any of the following are weaknesses:

  • Verbal communication skills
  • Listening skills
  • Empathy
  • Time-management
  • Leadership
  • Ability to work as a team
  • Creative thinking

Work Well Under Pressure and Develop a Thick Skin

It is easier said than done, and something that is more developed over time, but it is important that you are able to work well under pressure as nursing can be extremely high pressure at times and you need to be able to stay calm and perform. Additionally, you need to develop a thick skin as you will get shouted at in this position and you need to be able to handle this and not let it affect your performance.

Find a Mentor

A mentor can be incredibly useful when you are embarking on a career as a nurse, so you should do all that you can to find one whether this is a senior nurse where you are doing a placement or someone through a mentoring program. A nurse will be able to give you advice, stop you from making common mistakes, offer support and introduce you to their network, among many other benefits.

Network Constantly

Leading on from this, much like any profession, you need to make the effort when it comes to networking. Networking both in-person and online is important for aspiring nurses because this will open new doors for you, allow you to immerse yourself in the world of nursing and it is helpful for improving your professional reputation.

Get a Good Education

Obviously, you need to make sure that you get a good education in order to succeed as a nurse and this will involve choosing the right schools and qualification. One of the best paths that you can take is to become a family nurse practitioner (FNP), which allows you to work with people of all ages and it can provide great flexibility. Demand for this role is in high demand, and it can be a lucrative endeavor - visit this website to find out more about this role and how to go about becoming an FNP.

Get in Shape and Look After Yourself

Nursing is one of the most active jobs that you can have and one that is physically demanding as you will constantly be on your feet and there is often heavy lifting involved. This means that it is a smart idea to get yourself into good shape as you commence a career in nursing as otherwise you could struggle in both the short and long-term. Additionally, you need to make sure that you continue to look after yourself by leading a healthy lifestyle and getting enough sleep and rest between shifts.

Use Time Off Effectively

Following on from this point, it is also important that you know how to use your time off effectively. Shift work has its benefits and drawbacks but many of these drawbacks can be overcome if you simply know how to use your time off effectively and know how to separate your work and home life. This will help you to disconnect, recharge your batteries and enjoy yourself so that you can return to work feeling energized and ready for another shift.

Look After Your Mental Health

As such a demanding job and one where you see and experience difficult things every day, it is no surprise that mental health is a major problem in healthcare. This is why aspiring nurses need to make their mental health a priority, which might include having a support network to lean on, using meditation to lower stress levels and reaching out for support if you need it.

Know How to Stand Out

As mentioned, nursing can be competitive, which can make it hard to stand out and progress your career. In order to stand out in the field of nursing, you need to be a team player and support your colleagues while also demonstrating leadership skills. On top of this, you need to be willing to go the extra mile every day and provide support for patients and their loved ones - being able to do this without becoming overly attached is one of the biggest challenges that nurses face and usually a skill developed over time.

Nursing can be an incredibly rewarding profession that allows you to make a positive difference to the world, but it is also challenging, stressful and competitive. These tips for aspiring nurses should come in useful and hopefully help you to embark on a long, satisfying and lucrative career in nursing.