International Retirement: Moving to Portugal

INTERNATIONAL RETIREMENT: MOVING TO PORTUGALPeople choose many different destinations when they retire. Most of these places are often someplace warm with many attractions. These are often international locations, which require a different type of moving accommodations. Not all moving companies offer all of the services you will require when you move overseas. Many of these companies do not offer international location services, or if they do, they can’t ship your vehicle too. Finding the right mix will require that you look into various international moving companies.

UK drivers in Portugal save time at tolls with expansion of Sanef Tolling tags

Charles Hewson,UK drivers can look forward to hassle-free toll payment in Portugal without a Euro bank account, thanks to the expansion of an automatic toll payment system.

Sanef Tolling already provides 155,000 UK customers with a tag, the Liber-t tag, used on French motorways to pass through toll booths without stopping. These are now being extended through the VIA-t tag, to UK travellers in Spain and Portugal, where most motorways are tolled.

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - August 2020

ALGARVEPLUS MAGAZINE - AUGUST 2020PHEW. The temperature’s rising and the mood is definitely on the up now! We're receiving  great feedback from AlgarvePLUS readers who are enjoying getting their teeth in to our new content each month.

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS August 2020.

AlgarvePLUS magazine - July 2020

ALGARVEPLUS MAGAZINE - JULY 2020There’s lots of action in this July issue, from fabulous beachwear fashion to places you need to visit and experiences you’ll want to enjoy. Our restaurant of the month is the new A Quinta, and our wine choice is definitely in the pink. So get out the suntan lotion, the sanitising gel and a great big summery smile!

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS July 2020.

Clairsentient Abilities and What it Can Do To You

Clairsentient Abilities and What it Can Do To YouHave you ever experienced people coming to you as a go-to-person when it comes to gut feeling? Or can you feel other people’s feelings or next moves without having any interaction with them at all? Then you might possess clairsentient abilities. Clairsentience is commonly defined as a “clear feeling”. It refers to the ability to feel the past, the present, and the future emotional state of other people, even without using any of the five senses- sight, smell, hearing, tasting, or touching. It is also referred to as the sense of intuition because people who also have clairsentient abilities can gather information from non-living materials such as buildings or outside areas also without the use of the five senses. 

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - June 2020

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - June 2020Welcome to the June issue of AlgarvePLUS magazine. The hazy summer days are here, with just a bit more freedom than in previous months. Shops and restaurants and art galleries are opening their doors, decorators and designers meeting new clients, the season is starting to gather momentum. This issue of AlgarvePLUS brings plenty to whet your appetite: people, places, tastes and treats.

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS June 2020.

How an ESA Provides the Comfort and Companionship You Need

How an ESA Provides the Comfort and Companionship You NeedA stressful lifestyle or an innate condition can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, and even suicidal thoughts. Naturally, this can significantly impede on a person’s emotional well-being. Because traditional therapies and medication treatments prove ineffective in a lot of cases, more and more people are adopting an emotional support animal (ESA) to remedy these common ailments. In essence, an ESA is a four-legged companion (dog, cat, rabbit, and more) whose role is to provide emotional assistance to their owner. They can be prescribed by a health professional, psychologist, or psychiatrist, and are subject to strict legislation. Here, we take a look at how an ESA can help relieve those suffering from mental disorders.

The In Thing

The In ThingFirst it was clearing out cupboards and sorting out the unwanteds. Then it was heavy TV watching. But after the first couple of weeks at home many started to discover new interests...