Methadone to be provided to addicts holidaying in the Algarve

methadoneAnother tourism first for the Algarve - registered methadone users from abroad will be able to pick up supplies while on holiday in the region.

The drug is used to treat many addicts to reduce withdrawal symptoms and will be made available through the Algarve's regional health service which aims to reduce the risks associated with carrying the drug through the region’s entry points and to provide a safe way of continuing treatment for addicts on holiday.

João Moura Reis, the head of the Algarve Regional Health Board said the project to supply methadone users while they are on holiday will start in 2017.

The regional service will be able to monitor addicts’ treatment and reduce any use of black market supplies and crimes related to securing methadone or reverting to the original drug that caused the addiction.

The project requires the health service in the addicts’ countries of origin to share information so that treatment can continue as per the home GP’s treatment plan.