Algarve hotels to have defibrillators and staff trained in emergency medical support

hospitalchartThe Algarve’s hotels association hopes the installation of defibrillators in many of its top sites will increase the image of safety for tourists when choosing their holiday destination.

Member hotels of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA) will always have staff on duty who are trained in the use of the machine.

This follows a protocol signed between the association, the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve and the Academic Centre of Research and Biomedical Training of the Algarve.

The potentially lifesaving equipment will be installed in the region’s hotels and "continuous training in basic life support" will be provided to employees.

The objective of the Algarve Heart Safe project is show tourists that the region cares about their health and is fully prepared for any emergency cardiac arrests that happen in its hotels.

The region’s ‘competitive positioning’ will be boosted by the availability of these defibrillators but this are but a part of the region’s healthcare mix of hospitals, health centres and beach-side first aid facilities during the summer months which contribute to the Algarve's growing reputation for excellent emergency care when tourists run into problems when here on holiday.

"The agreement is part of a strategy to develop and improve the quality of all health and wellness tourism products in the Algarve by creating a network of active partnerships between the various public and private institutions, hotel establishments and regional health facilities," concludes the AHETA.