Demolition Man is back - ten Algarve clifftops to be destroyed 'on safety grounds'

cliffsThe Portuguese Environment Agency in the Algarve is wasting no time in demolishing cliffs area that it considers, "dangerous after this winter’s storms."
Very shortly, ten of the Algarve region's clifftops are to receive the less-than-tender ministrations of the agency which has the say-so of João Matos Fernandes, the Minster of the Environment.
Due to the effects of the recent storms, many cliffs have been left in an especially fragile state, with 24 instances of rock fall, states the agency, run by 'Demolition Man,' Sebastião Teixeira.
From “the analysis and observations” made by agency personnel, the Portuguese Environment Agency has concluded that 10 more cliff areas and their beaches are at risk and so, “to avoid loss of life, the agency has decided to proceed with the controlled demolition of the cliffs in question.”
The minister has warned people to be safety conscious and not place themselves under cliffs, "in order to avoid tragic episodes.”
Teixeira also has his eye on the sandy cliffs between Ancão and Quarteirs where erosion has eaten away at the cliffs to such an extent that, he says, “buildings will have to be relocated” as the agency’s sand replenishment programme has failed to stop the destructive force of nature.
'How, when and by whom?' remains to be explained.