Repairs to Faro harbour wall completed

faroDockRebuildThe work to repair the crumbling harbour wall in far has been completed, according to Docapesca, ending a saga of complaints, missed schedules, claims of ‘no funds’ and a general disinclination to take responsibility for the area’s upkeep.

Docapesca said the contract for the repair of the wall of the harbour cost €92,814 which concludes the second phase of the work.

The repairs were to the harbour wall between the Hotel Eva and the Bombeiros building and included fixing the pavement in the bandstand area.
After all the initial fuss, Docapesca now appreciates the help provided by the Council, the Clube Naval and the Faro Port Authority.

The appalling state that the dock had been allowed to reach, left Faro mayor, Rogério Bacalhau, apoplectic over what he viewed as deliberate delays to essential maintenance work.

Years of inaction from Docapesca left many of the waterproofing tiles falling off which allowed water to seep under the pavement causing the calçada to sink.