Algarve bank employee stole €300,000 from American customers - but which bank?

questionA former branch employee of a national bank has been accused by the public prosecutor in Portimão, of removing more than €300,000 from an account held by two US customers in a Lagoa branch of a national bank.
Crimes of abuse of trust, document forgery, money laundering and computer fraud have been lodged.
The case involves the defendant's ex-husband, an inspector of the Judicial Police, who has been charged with money laundering.
The crimes were committed between 2010 and 2015, when the 45-year-old woman was an account manager at a branch of a bank in Lagoa that remains unnamed...
According to the prosecution, the defendant transferred more than €300,000 from two US clients, whose accounts she was in charge of, to an account held by one of her husband's relatives and to other accounts to which she had access.
In addition, the bank employee is accused of making cash withdrawals and payments amounting to about €14,000 with a debit card that issued on behalf of these clients, “using the money to their advantage, in particular for the purchase of a car,” a BMW that has been seized pending the outcome of the trial.
All this happened without the American customers having a clue what was going on and have not received a cent in compensation from the bank which, rather conveniently, is awaiting the outcome of the trial.