Environmental alliance demands resignation of Environment Minister

MinisterEnvironmentIn a strongly worded open letter delivered in Lisbon on Thursday evening, a collection of environmental NGOs, led by PALP (Plataforma Algarve Livre De Petróleo), demanded the resignation of the Minister for the Environment, Dr. João Pedro Matos Fernandes, and of the head of the Portuguese Environmental Agency, Nuno Lacasta. 
The letter is translated as follows:
Exmo. Minister of the Environment
Dr. João Pedro Matos Fernandes
We, Portuguese citizens supported by dozens of environmental movements for the defence of the natural heritage and other associations from various areas, demand that you resign your position as Minister of the Environment of the XXI Government of Portugal. Moreover, we demand that the President of the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA), Dr. Nuno Lacasta, be dismissed.
We consider it inadmissible and irresponsible that the Minister approved the opinion that not to submit the Santola 1X Research Survey Project, popularly known as the "Aljezur well," to an Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA).
As you and the public know, the mission of the APA, an institution protected by your Excellency, is "to propose, develop and monitor the integrated and integrated management of environmental policies ... in view of a high level of protection and enhancement of the environment and the provision of high quality services to citizens." We consider that the decision not to commission an EIA for the prospective oil drilling well at sea, 46 km from the coast and up to 3,000 meters deep, does not guarantee the continuation of you mission as Minister for the Environment. As such, we demand that you resign!
We consider that your role in defending the environment and the interests of citizens has been distorted. The Ministry provides a public service and exists to defend the interest of the State which is, by definition, the interest of citizens. This public service is not being provided, so we demand that you resign!
It is not understandable and cannot be accepted passively, that a public consultation on a subject so pressing and divisive, that collected a very high number of contributions, all supporting an Environmental Impact Assessment, was totally disregarded in the issued opinion of the APA, transformed into a decision by the unjustifiable agreement of V Ex. That's why we demand that you resign!
We have given you all the reasons - duly supported by scientific studies and case studies - that unequivocally demonstrate that there are significant impacts associated with the exploration phase of the test well, as well as the reasons why these impacts should be described and taken care of. All these reasons and the evidence were ignored. V Exª has signed an opinion that consciously and deliberately opposes the unanimous opinion of citizens, associations and non-governmental organizations for the environment, but also against the recommendations of the Assembly of the Republic itself. The future of the Algarve and Alentejo Litoral is in danger, and your Excellency, as well as the APA, the responsible public institution, has found that it does not deserve a serious and structured assessment of the risks inherent in oil exploration.
In addition, the five largest business associations in the region came together to condemn the Government's decision. ACRAL, AHETA, AHISA, CEAL and NERA - associations of traders, tour operators and farmers. Finally, all the Municipalities of the Algarve and Southwest Alentejo and their Association of Municipalities, expressed their opposition to this test well in Aljezur. It is not allowable that you discredit democratic processes, ignore the will of citizens and populations, and the recommendations of the Assembly of the Republic and the position of Councils, while neglecting the same environment that you has committed to protect. So quit!
As Minister of the Environment, you know perfectly well that all oil and gas exploration contracts are based legally on the outdated Decree-Law 109/94, which is almost 25-years-old, and which rolled out a red carpet to the oil companies at a time in which little was said about climate change. However, you have never fought for the amendment of this law, nor have you ever listened to the arguments, protests and petitions of civil society that repeatedly have demanded the cancellation of these contracts, which have led to three precautionary measures and other legal actions, filed by various movements and associations, namely PALP - Algavre Free Petroleum Platform, Odemira Council and AMAL – the Association of Municipalities of the Algarve. Due to your repeated refusal to listen to civil society and defend the environment, quit!
The exploration and extraction contract in question, signed with ENI and Galp by José Sócrates and Manuel Pinho, both former ministers under investigation by the Portuguese courts, is a ruinous contract for the country, without any palpable economic counterparts, that creates suspicions about its authorisation.
Because of these circumstances, you should be the first person to strive for the transparency of this whole process but you exempted the so-called "Aljezur well" from an EIA that was required at minimum. Also for your stubborn defence of this injurious contract, we demand your resignation!
All these decisions follow an environmental policy that has, over the last few years, violated the will of the Portuguese people and the international commitments of the State, something that you should be aware of, namely in the implementation of the agreements in Paris (COP 21 ) and Marrakesh (COP 22), signed by the Prime Minister, Dr. António Costa. Hydrocarbon exploration is a major cause of climate change, a problem that has huge impacts in our country, where uncontrolled warming makes it increasingly difficult to combat rural fires, promoting persistent droughts and other extreme weather events, while threatening the cities and coastal infrastructure with more severe coastal erosion, which is exacerbated by the rapid rise in average sea levels, which should receive priority attention from an Environment Minister. For failing to fulfill your mission to defend those who elected you, as well as in the interest of all Portuguese, and for derailing the fight against environmental change, resign!
The signatories to this letter are fully aware that the dismissal of those who have faced the unacceptable decision should be only the first step in changing the content of the decision. What is at stake is the political responsibility of the Prime Minister and the Government as a whole, as well as Parliament's own ability to control the executive's action, ensuring that particular interests, however powerful, do not overlap with the Constitution, laws and the general interest.
With the Aljezur well, what is at stake, besides the defence of the environment and a model of sustainable development for Portugal, is the quality and future of our democracy.
(This statement ended with an array of logos of Portugal's leading environmental NGOs including ASMAA - see Comments below)
The letter was handed to the Minister in Lisbon on Thursday.
"Asking for the resignation of a minister is not something that is done very lightly. I think he was shocked by our attitude, but the truth is that confidence is lost," said Lídia Jorge, from the Futuro Limpo movement.