Silves and Loulé emergency road works to start

roadworksInfrasetruturas de Portugal has confirmed that work contracts have been awarded to repair and improve the EN124 and EN396.
The road works are part of the lightweight €1 million emergency package announced at the end of April by Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, to repair the EN125 eastern section, the EN396 in Loulé and the EN124 between Port de Lagos and Silves.
The EN124 work will be carried out on a 9.9 kilometre stretch, and the EN396 linking to the A22 motorway will be fixed at a cost of €50,000.
According to the national road company, resurfacing and work to the EN124 roadside will be followed by remarking and will cost €150,000.
The company absolutely totally guarantees that the work will be completed "before the summer period, ensuring a significant improvement of the conditions of comfort and safety for the population of the region, as well as the thousands of tourists who visit the Algarve for the enjoyment of their holidays,” but offered no idea as to when this 'summer period' might start.
As for the EN125 eastern section, news is awaited with hushed expectancy...