Spearfishing World Championship comes to Sagres

SpearfishermanThe Spearfishing World Championship is coming to Sagres as 150 contestants aim to “practice the sport in an integrated manner, making the use of the territory in a way that’s compatible with the conservation of resources."

The 31st CMAS Spearfishing World Championship will take place from 6 to 10 September in the sea off Sagres, with 150 participants from 30 countries based on 95 boats.

According to the Portuguese Federation of Underwater Activities (FPAS), this championship will promote underwater fishing and will organise the event under the rules of the World Confederation of Underwater Activities while trying to dispel many of the myths related to this sport, the main one being that it hastens the extinction of rare species.

Each participant is only allowed to catch fish identified in the rules, with minimum weight and quotas per species. At the end of the championship, all speared fish will be offered to charities.

Over the last few years, Portugal has received several spearfishing awards so Ricardo José, president of the Portuguese Federation of Underwater Activities, believes that “Portugal is a serious candidate for victory, both in team events and individual categories.”

Vila do Bispo Council sates that, using this competition in the waters off Sagres, it is intending to promote sports activities that combine sport with the conservation of local natural resources.