Fires reveal ancient footpath between Monchique and Picota

monchiqueNature tourism company, ProActiveTur and Monchique Council are keen to promote the old path between Caldas de Monchique and Picota as a bracing, fun and interesting walk.

Hidden for years by an industrial density of eucalyptus and the unchecked growth of scrub, the old path was rediscovered after fire swept through the area this August, leaving 27,000 hectares of burnt trees, rural properties and equipment.

ProActiveTur received permission from the Council to mark the trail and expects the first organised walk to set off on Sunday.

Bruno Rodrigues of ProActiveTur, interviewed by Sul Informação, commented, "The circular route between Caldas de Monchique and Picota was almost completely burned. And there are a large number of hikers who, from September, want to walk this route."

Rodrigues has been helping a team of hardy foresters in reopening and marking sections of the old route, some of which is fire damaged and other parts still green buy choked. Both have received the attention of chainsaws and the route should be cleared in time for the first walk.

In addition to some judiciously placed blue route markings, the entire route has been geo-referenced by ProActiveTur for the use of future hikers.
Bruno Rodrigues hopes that “one day it will be part of a wider network of roads here than Monchique."

The trail begins at the EN266, next to the charred remains of the Rouxinol restaurant. More information can be requested from ProActiveTur.

For pictures, see: 'Caminho antigo entre as Caldas de Monchique e a Picota redescoberto para acolher turistas de natureza'

The law that enables contractors to get on with the job of clearing up the destruction left in the wake of the fires that swept across Monchique, Silves, Portimão and Odemira Council areas, has been published in Diário da República.

These "urgent and unavoidable" work to repair communications, energy and water supply systems was authorised by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa on Tuesday, August 28th, 17 days after the fires were extinguished.