Road company insists Lagoa's roundabouts must remain eyesores

roadworksThe EN125 road renovation work, western section, has never really been completed so Lagoa Council, keen to see two of its city centre roundabouts tidied up, decided to complete the work itself.

The national roads company, Infrastruturas de Portugal, has left all manner of smaller jobs to be completed by its chosen contractors despite the government claim that the EN125 western section road upgrade is "to all intents and purposes, complete," while admitting that some smaller jobs remain to be done.

Lagoa Council decided that motorists travelling through the city should have something better to stare at than weeds and rubble so started to tidy up and titivate the roundabouts by Fatacil and at the Carvoeiro turnoff.

As soon as Infraestruturas de Portugal found out what was going on, it put a stop to the work the Council was doing, yet will not immediately finished the job itself.

The Council managed to have the weeds cleared and the ground prepared but was seen off by the company before it could make the space more attractive with additional, unspecified, additions.

Infraestruturas de Portugal stated that this unfinished work is its responsibility and that it had not authorised the Council to intervene.

The Lagoa mayor, Francisco Martins, regretfully has order the work to be halted but is miffed that the road company won’t finish the job, nor let the Council finish it.