Eleven years in jail not enough for Loulé thief

gnrlogoLoulé GNR has arrested a 43-year-old man implicated in the theft of items from a local property.

"The GNR carried out immediate investigations to identify and locate the suspect who was in his home. He was arrested and all of the stolen objects were found, as well as others items from other thefts."

Two laptops were found in the house search, also a camera, three mobile phones, four watches, a videogame console, various items of gold including rings, necklaces and bracelets, a music player; a trolley used to transport the stolen objects, eight cannabis plants and €1,600 in cash.
The man who was arrested must have developed a penchant for prison food as he already has spent 11 years in jail for burglary and drug trafficking.

The Judicial Court of Loulé will decide his fate.