Zoomarine accused of animal exploitation

ZoomarineIn light of recent accusations, Zoomarine have released a statement saying that the recent claims made against the theme park are “absurd, lack scientific basis and aim to create public outrage”, following the publishing of a report by World Animal Protection. The report placed Zoomarine on a list of venues to avoid until they “drastically improve their animal welfare”.

The report was a result of collaboration between World Animal Protection (WAP) and the Change for Animals Foundation. It included a study which states that 75 percent of venues that had been looked at offered “at least one type of animal visitor interaction including some truly horrific cases that have no place in modern zoos and aquariums”.

Following the study, Zoomarine in Guia was placed on a list of 12 venues to “avoid”, with the WAP adding that: “It is time that people be part of the solution and avoid venues that offer cruel interactions. This will send out a clear message – that treating animals this way is not acceptable”.

“We witnessed dolphins, intelligent marine predators, performing choreographed “tricks” for noisy crowds. We found them being treated as nothing more than selfie props as visitors hugged, stroked and kissed them. We even saw them being made to exhibit human actions such as “waving” with their flippers.”

“World Animal Protection believes that holding dolphins captive in tiny enclosures constitutes a life devoid of naturalness.”

Following the publication of the report, Zoomarine responded to the accusations stating that they were “unacceptable”.

“Our family of professionals categorically rejects such accusations and does not recognise the technical-scientific basis, clinical basis, veterinary medical experience in exotic species, and / or ethological context to such a document. We know that this text is an attempt by extremists to use false “animal malaise” arguments to illicitly promote animal rights policies (that is, to try to advance their prohibitionist ideologies).”

Zoomarine went on to highlight the numerous awards they have received over the decades: “We know that many animals suffer in the world, and for 30 years our teams of professionals have been trying to educate our visitors and partners on such suffering. The many dozens of international prizes we have won since 1991 are a clear sign of our commitment in steadily enhancing the level of well-being that our nonhuman families enjoy.”

Moreover, Zoomarine revealed that a recent inspection from American Humane, awarded Zoomarine with 94.7 percent in their evaluation showing “clear proof that we are on the right track”.

Zoomarine concluded by expressing that: “Our team will continue to play their role proudly and joyfully, continue to love and protect the species that we welcome and live here, and will continue to show every day, year after year, to those who visit us and to the specialists with whom we cooperate, the high levels of well-being, care and affection we give to those to whom Zoomarine is dedicated to: our zoological family”.