Vila Real de Santo António joins Domestic Violence Victim Support Network

Vila Real de Santo António joins Domestic Violence Victim Support NetworkVila Real de Santo António will be integrated into the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence. The initiative aims to strengthen the protection of an fight against violence, particularly against women, by cooperating with the various sectors involved in the area.

The protocol document was signed in the presence of the Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Rosa Monteiro, and the Algarve Intermunicipal Community. Moreover, the protocol includes, social work and support institutions, schools, security forces, as well as other public entities and non-profit organizations, as is the case for Portuguese Victim Support Association (APAV).

 In addition to developing preventive measures, the initiative will appoint a representative who will ensure weekly group meetings, and who will promote the referral, support and protection of victims of domestic violence. This will be done whilst ensuring the confidentiality and effectiveness of the response, depending on the individual diagnosis of the situation.