Gaspar to gross 23,000 euros a month at IMF

gasparPortugal's former Finance Minister has shown to be adept at handling his personal finances as his salary at the IMF, where he starts in June, will bring Vítor Gaspar a gross monthly sum of around 23,000 euros.

Gaspar was appointed in late February by Director General Christine Lagarde to the post of Director of Budgetary Affairs at the International Monetary Fund.  It was while directing budgetary affairs in his last job as Portugal's Finance Minister that his performance could be assessed as mediocre, leading to his resignation and a weak goodbye statement.

Vítor Gaspar will now earn between 280,000 and 207,000 euros annually, plus a range of executive benefits, and many of his former ministerial colleagues will wonder at the ability of exiting ministers to pick up well-paid internationally important posts.

It remains a source of disappointment that his performance in Portugal could not match up to the government rhetoric of Pedo Passos Coelho who, it must be said, does try to put rather a spin on the figures.

Gaspar's evident exhaustion when working for the Portuguese people should not reoccour in the hallowed corridors of the IMF, a much nicer place to work, accorrding to several very well-remunerated sources.