Clear up day for Algarve hunters

wildboarThe Federation of Hunters of the Algarve, with help from hunting clubs and associations, and hunting tourism companies, are scouring the countryside today to clear up any rubbish left by hunters and walkers in preparation for the annual slaughter of wildlife.

The traditional walkabout to tidy up hunting zones in the region’s farms and forests has the full support of Parish Councils who are to benefit from the proceeds of the sale of any scrap metal collected. Any money thus raised will go to local charitable causes and needy citizens.

The hunters stated their three aims:

1) that hunters do not leave used cartridges on the ground, nor empty containers and other items they take with them when they go hunting.

2) that this action acts as an example to the general public to always put garbage in the appropriate place.

3) to continue, through this initiative, to support charitable organisations and citizens with scarce resources with household items purchased with the proceeds from the sale of scrap metals.

Thousands of hunters have joined in the clear up operation, with cartridges and cans the main target.