Investigation requested into death of marine species in Ria Formosa

INVESTIGATION REQUESTED INTO DEATH OF MARINE SPECIES IN RIA FORMOSAThe People, Animals and Nature Party (PAN) of the Algarve, have alerted the responsible authorities to the need for an investigation in the Manta Rota beach area, due to the appearance of dozens of lifeless fish and bivalves along the coastline.

This comes after an "alert from the local community of a nauseating odour predominant in the area".

PAN highlights that this situation is not an isolated incident, with an identical scenario happening in 2022, again with the presence of hundreds of dead fish and bivalves on Faro beach, at the entrance to Quinta do Lago.

"In August of this year, a green stain appeared in the region, identified by authorities as cake dye, supposedly free of polluting properties. We intend to clarify whether there is any correlation between this incident or other possible discharges and the recent deaths of dozens of " declares Saúl Rosa, representative of PAN Algarve.

The group emphasises the importance that these investigations, whether scientifically or conducted by the authorities, receive additional attention, given the relevance of "this heritage that is the Ria a Formosa, which must be safeguarded against any disturbing factor for the local fauna and flora" .

PAN says that it has already sent photographic documentation and videos to the competent authorities, including the Maritime Police, as well as the Portuguese Environment Agency, among other entities.

Photo PAN Algarve