Portugal's Council of State issues statement of award-winning inconsequence

cavaco2After six hours discussing the post-Troika economic and social landscape in Portugal,  the wise men of the Council of State agreed on a statement that foolishly was issued to the press.

After the meeting in the Palace of Belém, the 11th Council of State convened by president Cavaco Silva (pictured), issued a message to all ‘political and social forces,’ containing key words such as ‘understanding’ and ‘national goals,’ ‘constructive dialogue", and ‘framework of diversity and democratic plurality.’

The last time President Cavaco Silva convened the Council was in May last year when he urgently has to calm disruptive political bickering over plans for a post-troika Portugal. This time it was not clear why he wanted to talk to the country's wise men, unless it was to garner support for his presidency as many have called for him to go before his term is up. 

After the meeting on July 3rd in which the issue of more free money, in the form of 2014-2020 structural funds from the European Union, was high on the agenda, the best that came forth was a fine example of political guff, "the necessary conditions for the country, this new phase of national life, can overcome the challenge of economic growth and sustainable employment, with the preservation of social cohesion and social justice, sustainability of public finances and external balance and reversing the current demographic trend."

This nonsense was delivered to the waiting press by the unfortunate council secretary Abilio Morgado, who had to read a State Council statement that displayed an award-winning degree of banality and inconsequence.
The State Council is made up of former leaders and key political figures who are meant to be advising the President of the Republic, Cavaco Silva, in the hope that he will bring some leadership to the country and sort out the inter and intra party bickering that has dogged Portugal’s politics since the Troika left town.

Morgado went on, “How to Overcome the Challenge? With the live voice of Portugal in the European Union, for growth, employment and cohesion, especially in the ongoing process of deepening economic, fiscal and banking union and very judicious use of structural funds."

The Council of State members decided that that European money should be channelled to "achieve positive results in solving the structural constraints of the Portuguese economy's competitiveness, internationalisation and regional imbalances in development."

Madeira despot Alberto João Jardim was absent from the meeting, he blamed an incompatible flight schedule; as was former PM Mario Soares who decided he would be more comfortable resting in the Algarve and whose dislike of the current regime is the only thing that recently has kept many commentators in quotes.

The State Council must be summoned by the President in case he decides to dissolve Parliament, declare war or peace, or in case a government steps down. It is not meant to be used to waste 6 hours of everyones’ time, followed by a statement of political drivel.

The statement has four points after six hours - 

1. overcome the challenge of economic growth and sustainable employment

2. preserve cohesion and social justice

3  ensure the sustainability of the public treasury and the balance of payments

4  invert the current demographic tendency