Alcoutim's €5,000 baby bonus

babyAlcoutim council has voted to hand out €5,000 of ratepayers’ money for each and every new born child in its area.

The money will be paid to reimburse expenses and the objective is to combat the low birth rate and keep young couples from leaving the area. The measure is part of Alcoutim’s 'Incentive for Birth and Family Support' programme.

The money, to a maxiumum of €5,000,  will be paid out over the first three years of any qualifying child’s life.  

The measure is intended to address the urgent problem of the declining birthrate which, along with an aging local population, is leading to fewer and fewer ratepayers in the council area.

It also is hoped that the new measure will help to improve the living conditions of poorer families while at the same time boosting the local economy.

Alcoutim's initiative comes shortly after Monchique council announced a €5,000 grant for new couples living in, or moving to the area and doing up an old property.

The Alcoutim solution operates by reimbursing all those costs that new babys bring along such as the cost of baby clothes, and healthcare services that are considered essential to the healthy and happy development of the child. Properly receipted expenditure on healthcare, hygiene, child care articles and food as well as kindergarten costs will be refunded.

All purchases must be made in the Alcoutim area so as to boost local trade.

There is some form-filling to do at the town hall but the council aims to start reimbursing happy parents within a month of registration.

The draft regulation already has been approved at a council meeting on June 27th and the public has 30 days to comment before the scheme starts.


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