Portugal - smoking kills 1 in 10

smokingMore than 10,600 people died in Portugal last year due to smoking tobacco, which corresponds to about 10% of all deaths in the over 30s, according to data from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

In the European Union tobacco kills about 700,000 people every year and according to DGS, the overwhelming majority of Portuguese start smoking before the age of 25 with eight out of 10 smokers starting the habit due to peer pressure. In the Alentejo region where smoking is on the increase about 70% of secondary school students have tried smoking.

As for health warnings printed on cigarette packs, the DGS says they have had an impact on nearly half of smokers and ex-smokers in Portugal, with 7% feeling encouraged to kick the habit and 22% saying their knowledge about the effects of tobacco had increased.