Musical tenants take on Faro's old beer factory

faroPortugal’s Musicians Association is to take over Faro’s old beer factory in April 2014 and use it as their base. The Recreational and Cultural Association of Musicians (ARCM) decided at its annual general meeting that it would take over and relocate to the old factory and shortly will sign a lease to enable it to start preparatory work .

"The decision to leave the current association base was agreed by the members at the AGM in order to ensure the continuity of the association’s objectives" announced the ARCM in a statement.

However, the association stated that the conditions of this new space "are not adequate" for its activities so that in March “efforts will be directed to cleaning, renovating and constructing rehearsal rooms and the technical infrastructure needed.”

In its current headquarters, the ARCM has 18 rehearsal rooms, a recording studio and a hall for concerts, theater and other events.

The ARCM considers the old beer factory a good solution, as will faro council which ahs unsuccessfully tried to auction off the site in the past two years.

There will be costs and investment needed to get the building up to scratch "so the association will need the support of institutions and of course its members, friends and the wider community."