Silves football club to celebrate its new synthetic turf

Silves FCFernando Gomes, president of the Portuguese Football Federation, is turning up in Silves on Saturday 12 October to officially ‘open’ the Silves ground and its new astroturf covering.

The infrastructure of the club was seriously damaged by the tornado of November 16 last year, which damaged the stand and showered the grass with shards of glass, preventing its further use.

Silves FC, ​​with the support of several bodies, especially the Portuguese Football Federation, has made the effort necessary for sport to continue at the Silves club.

The club stresses the new positive attitude of locals towards Silves Football Club, a community that contributed greatly to the success of the project and helped make it a reality.

The work of removing the old natural turf began in June with machines and workers from the council. The turf replacement cost around €360,000.

Tiago Leal, president of Silves FC, ​​said that the synthetic turf  "has a high initial investment cost, but the synthetic turf has good features, it has more durability and lower maintenance costs. Therefore, it is advantageous for the club and for the city."

The inauguration of the new synthetic turf at the Stadium Dr. Francisco Vieira will kick off at 9.00am and will carry on all day. The highlight will be the official opening at 14.30.