Passengers rescued from burning ferry in Spain

ferryburningSpanish emergency services have safely evacuated some 150 passengers onboard a burning ferry.

The ‘Sorrento’ ferry was crossing the Mediterranean from the island of Mallorca heading for the port of Valencia.

Death rate on Algarve roads up 50%

en125postIn the past year, 28 people have died in accidents on the Algarve’s roads.

The death rate of more than two a month in the year from 22 April 2014 represents an increase of almost 50% over the year before when 19 people lost their lives on the region’s roads.

TAP’s Chief Executive calls off strike negotiations

airplane2"For my part I consider the negotiation process is over," according to the top man at TAP who now will concentrate his talents on navigating his company through the strike period of May 1st to 10th.

"The negotiation process, for my part I consider finalised," said Fernando Pinto at a press conference today.

British driving licence changes

avisBrits planning to drive outside the UK after 8 June this year will need to take a special code if they plan to rent a car abroad.

The paper British driving licence will be computerised on that date.

Secret adult addiction exposed

booksThe craze for colouring books for adults to use has begun to enter the mainstream after its recent beginnings as an “underground hobby”.

Laurence King Publishing said in weeks it had sold the whole 225,980 print run of Johanna Basford's Enchanted Forest, published last month.

Ponytail brigade fends off cyber threats

fibreoptic‘Ponytail’ warriors are ready to defend a country against cyber attack.

The European republic has a total headcount of just 1.3 million people, although it jostles alongside its old master.

Another 'Anonymous Portugal' hack attack, despite February arrests

AnonymousFaceSkilled computer system hackers allied to the secret Anonymous Portugal group has been at it again despite many of their number having been arrested in February and charged for sins against the state.

The arrests earlier in the year included that of the journalist Rui Cruz who runs the Tugaleaks website plus seven alleged members of Anonymous whose activities have been causing deep embarrassment to the government.

Algarve low prices should pull the tourists

benagilThe Algarve as a holiday destination has yet again nearly topped the annual (British) Post Office survey for best prices.

It was in second place after Sunny Beach in Bulgaria.