'Vase de Tavira' chosen for new Louvre exhibition

VASETAVIRAThe centrepiece of the Museo Municipal de Tavira collection is to be loaned to the Louvre Museum in Paris in an exhibition that runs from from October 17, 2014 to January 19, 2015.

The famous "Vase de Tavira", a piece created in the late eleventh century, is one of the most iconic objects of the Islamic period from the land that became Portugal and shows figures gathered at an Islamic wedding ceremony.

Portimão council tops national list of bad payers

portimaocamaraDo not do business with Portimão council, unless you are prepared to an average of 1,975 days to get paid.

Five years and four months is the current settlement period for suppliers’ invoices should they have the misfortune to have supplied the local council with goods and services.

Loulé announces winners of citizens’ projects

louleLoulé council continues on its path to being the most inclusive and democratic council in the Algarve as it announces the results of its ‘citizens’ choice’ projects across the municipality’s parishes.

"There were 11 projects selected in 11 democratic, fair and transparent contests. These are 11 projects that have been chosen not by politicians but by citizens,” said Loulé’s mayor Vítor Aleixo.

McDonald’s and Coca-Cola lose US customers

macdonaldsAmerican consumers appear to be increasingly wary of products sold by McDonald’s and Coca-Cola as sales for each have slumped.

Profits dropped by a massive 30% for McDonald’s in the last three months, while Coca-Cola experienced a profit fall of 14%.

GNR officers caught pinching scrap metal

gnrlogoFour GNR officers are among eight suspects caught in an operation to combat metal theft.

The investigation was carried out by the Department of Investigation and Prosecution of Lisbon, the Procurator General and the Fiscal Action Unit of the GNR.

Portugal Telecom share crash

ptEspírito Santo Group subsidiary Rioforte applied for creditor protection in Luxembourg which was denied last Friday.

Rioforte owes Portugal Telecom €900 million which is has been unable to repay, and now is likely never to have the resources to repay.

Councils discuss problems of upgrading historic city centres

olhaocalcada4The problems of urban renewal and heritage conservation will be discussed in Lagos at the 15th national meeting of the association, 'Municipalities with a Historic Centre' (APMCH), at the end of October.

The initiative, organised by APMCH in partnership with Lagos council and the discredited municipal company Futurlagos, intends to promote a reflection on the challenges on the management of cities with historic centres.

Loulé council's financial competence humbles detractors

loulesquare2Loulé Council aims to be free from the "government Troika" by paying off its LMP loan early.

The Loulé mayor has announced that the council will recover its financial autonomy by paying off €10 million from its loan by the year end.