Algarve hotels had the best May for 17 years

HOTELRECEPTIONGALEIn May this year, the Algarve’s hotels saw the highest occupancy rates since the year 2000 and up 4.4% compared to May, 2016.

Tourists from the United Kingdom, Ireland and France contributed most to a 73% May occupancy rate, according to the region’s hotels association.

According to preliminary data released by AHETA, this is the second consecutive month with record figures not seen since the turn of the millennium.

Bank of Portugal governor accused of 'washing his hands' of the mess at Caixa Geral de Depósitos

bopcarloscostaThe Governor of the Bank of Portugal, Carlos ‘Mr Magoo’ Costa, said today that the responsibility for the appointment of the new management team at Caixa Geral de Depósitos was down to the government, with the approval the European Central Bank, and that he had nothing to do with the disaster that left the bank rudderless at a crucial time.

"The Bank of Portugal did not have any decisive role in this matter. It was up to the European Central Bank," said Carlos Costa, at the start of the committee of inquiry into the Caixa Geral fiasco that saw Domingues at the helm for just over three troubled months last year.

Luxury Monte Gordo hotel project rejected by environment agency

MonteGordoPlanThe plan for a luxury hotel at Monte Gordo that was due to be built ‘almost on the beach’ has been rejected by the Portuguese Environment Agency (Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente) under instruction from the General Environmental Inspectorate (Inspeção Geral do Ambiente.)

The Hoti Hotels Group was planning to start construction of the 'Meliá de Monte Gordo' this year, under a standard cooperation Agreement with Meliá Hotels International, with an opening date of "2018 or 2019" for the four-storey building.

Work starts on Guadiana International Bridge refurbishment

guadianaThe €8 million refurbishment of the Guadiana International bridge started today with a completion date of 525 days that includes down time during peak periods.

Pedro Marques, the Minister of Planning and Infrastructures, was at today's ceremony to start the project, as well as Iñigo de la Serna, the Spanish Minister of Public Works and Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Infrastructure.

Weapons seized in the Algarve sent off for destruction or public auction

gunsThe Faro District Command of the Public Security Police has announced that it has sent 1,500 firearms and replicas that have been amassed at the district Arms and Explosives unit, for destruction and disposal the national Arms and Explosives Unit.

The weapons and replicas collected across the Algarve region are the result of stop and search actions and arms seizures by the police investigating crimes, with many of the weapons handed in by locals.

Faro to build €400,000 municipal kennel for local abandoned animals

dogillThere’s no stopping Faro’s mayor as he continues to announce voter-friendly initiatives to ease his way back into the president’s seat, come local election time this autumn.

Picking off voter segments one-by-one, this time it's animal lovers, Rogério Bacalhau has announced that Faro’s ratepayers are to fund a 150-animal municipal kennel for the lost and stray cats and dogs on his manor.

Regulator to enable new banks accounts to be opened totally online

bop2Opening a bank accounts from the comfort of your own home soon will be an option in Portugal as the Bank of Portugal is working with the industry to enable banks to provide totally digital facilities.

More and more financial institutions encourage their customers to use online services but opening an account from scratch has not been possible.

Portugal’s ecological footprint has increased by 73%

tractorplougingThe average ecological footprint of each person resident in Portugal, this is the consumption of natural resources and nature's capacity to replenish, increased by 73% between 1961 and 2013.

The renewal capacity, or ‘biocapacity’, measures the amount of biologically productive area available to offset consumption.