Greens question government over “air quality” in Alhandra

Greens question government over “air quality” in AlhandraAccording to householders, the air smells of “a kind of burnt rubber and sulphur” - and they hate it.

There is also an issue with dust - purportedly belched out of chimneys at the plant run by Cimpor (cement manufacturer) at Alhandra, near Vila Franca da Xira (district of Lisbon).

Privatised businesses take “hundreds of millions out of Portugal”

Privatised businesses take “hundreds of millions out of Portugal”More than 500 million euros in dividends paid by businesses recently privatised in Portugal are due to leave this country.

News website Abrilabril - which claims to look at current events with an independent eye - says the real figure is almost certainly higher as “only stakeholders with more than 2% capital are obliged to communicate their identities”.

Turks “discover Portugal” ploughing €300 million into tourism, ports and real estate

Turks “discover Portugal” ploughing €300 million into tourism, ports and real estateTalk of the “French Invasion” in terms of property investment has suddenly turned to “the Turkish discovery of Portugal” - bringing with it as much as €300 million in investment, just this year.

Media reports are highlighting just how attractive Portugal has become for the country that has been struggling for decades to get EU membership, and which is now as far from achieving it as it ever was.

CGD ‘boss’ warns more cuts could be on the way

CGD ‘boss’ warns more cuts could be on the wayPushing forwards with State bank CGD’s recovery plan - agreed with Brussels - the institution’s new president Paulo Macedo has warned that additional cuts to staff and branches could well be in the wings, particularly if targets are not met.

The warning comes as populations everywhere are protesting to the closure of branches as the bank struggles to shake off its legacy of debts.

ECB ‘not amused’ by Portugal’s lucky sanctions escape

ECB ‘not amused’ by Portugal’s lucky sanctions escapeIn its annual report published today, the European Central Bank shows itself to be distinctly ‘sniffy’ over Portugal’s lucky sanctions escape for failing to keep to budgetary guidelines in 2015.

According to Britain’s Express, “Spain and Portugal shouldn’t have been let off the hook” as the strict European ‘economy rules’ are there for a reason: to prevent a financial crisis.

Controversial nuclear power station suffers two new malfunctions in three days

Controversial nuclear power station suffers two new malfunctions in three daysAlmaraz - the purported ‘time-bomb’ that environmentalists are fighting to shut down on the banks of the Tejo river - has suffered two new malfunctions in the space of three days, though authorities insist that the situation is stable.

The incidents - the last of which happened on Monday - have been highlighted by Iberia’s Anti-Nuclear Movement and the Portuguese association “Ecologists in Action”.

Spanish tourist plunges three floors from Albufeira hotel

Spanish tourist plunges three floors from Albufeira hotelA 46-year-old Spanish holidaymaker is in intensive care in Faro after plunging three floors onto concrete from an Albufeira hotel.

The 10-metre fall happened at the four-star Real Bellavista shortly after midnight on Monday (April 10).

1,000 Portuguese students accused of “destroying Spanish hotel”

1,000 Portuguese students accused of “destroying Spanish hotel”According to Spanish authorities, they have “never seen anything like it”.

A thousand Portuguese students on an organised school trip to celebrate the looming end of their 12th year studies apparently went on a destructive rampage through a Torremolinos hotel, leaving a trail of damages stretching well into the many thousands of euros.

Newspaper reports say the hotel will be giving a press conference tomorrow.