State refuses to scrap A22 tolls as “Portugal needs the money”

State refuses to scrap A22 tolls as “Portugal needs the money”Portugal’s Socialist party (PS) has rejected a series of proposals to either scrap or temporarily suspend the Algarve’s A22 motorway tolls, saying that the country simply cannot “afford to do so”.

Portuguese mother and daughter pelted with eggs in “racist attack” in London

Portuguese mother and daughter pelted with eggs in “racist attack” in LondonIn what has been described as a racist attack, a Portuguese mother and her daughter have been pelted with eggs by a group who set on them after hearing them speaking Portuguese on their way to a Leyton health centre.

Clamour over “ruinous Novo Banco sale” increases, from left to right

 Clamour over “ruinous Novo Banco sale” increases, from left to right

Wherever one looks politicians and pundits are slating the government’s decision to sell Novo Banco to American equity firm Lone Star Funds.

New IMI rates to be levied on rustic land

11396Annual IMI (rates) levied on rustic land are about to change - according to their size and location.

Tax evasion tip-off leaves Credit Suisse facing multiple probes

creditsuisseCredit Suisse has been dragged into yet another investigation into whether clients used the Swiss bank to evade taxes, after a tip-off to Dutch prosecutors about tens of thousands of suspect accounts triggered an international probe.

Coordinated raids began yesterday in the Netherlands, Britain, Germany, France and Australia, the Dutch office for financial crimes prosecution (FIOD) said, with two arrests confirmed so far, reports Reuters.

Government cancels Algarve oil contracts

oilblocsalgarveThe map of licences and concession areas published on the National Entity for the Fuel Market’s website has been updated to show the exploration areas off the southern Algarve coastline, awarded to the Repsol-Partex consortium, have been scrapped.

The Lagosta, Lagostim, Sapateira e Caranguejo blocks have been removed due to a government edict to the ENMC dated March 9th.

Novo Banco sold to US vulture fund Lone Star

8547The Bank of Portugal's governor, Carols Costa, (pictured) today announced the sale of 75% of Novo Banco to the US vulture fund, Lone Star, thus ending a process started in August 2014 when he created the ‘good bank’ as a resolution to the Banco Espírito Santo collapse.

Costa said that "the sale is another important step in stabilising the financial system." The sale also plays a big part in helping to asses the overall loss to the State from the original €4.9 billion bail-out subsided by taxpayers’ funds.

Easier to switch gas and electricity supplier with new government edict

edpThe government has passed an edict that, in theory, makes it easier for consumers to change their gas and electricity suppliers.

Diário da República has published details of the legal regime that give the energy agency, ADENE, the responsibility for ensuring that all consumer rights are respected when people want to make the change.