Unemployment in Portugal rose in August

unhappyworkerThe unemployment rate went up in August to 12.4% in a month that should have seen the figure drop, according to provisional figures from the National Institute of Statistics.

The rate for July is now definitive at 12.3% up 0.2% but the August figure breaks a six month run of decreases which the coalition has used to prove its strategy of austerity has been showing positive economic results.

TV searching for expat hotelier in the Algarve

ALEXPIOZZIA well-known TV programme is looking for an expat in charge of a struggling B&B either in Portugal or Spain.

Channel 5’s Hotel Inspector series are hoping to find someone to help make their accommodation business more successful.

Portugal's elderly lack basic care provision

oldpersonA study released today by the World Labour Organisation has concluded that to be old and in need of care in Portugal is not a good option.

Portugal is the country in Europe where the elderly are most marginalised, have the least professional care dedicated to them and certainly have the lowest allocated of money for their care and comfort.

Turk rescued from tanker off Sagres

sagreslifeboatAfter the dramatic rescue of a German tourist who fell ill during a surfing lesson last week at Tonel beach in Sagres, the local lifeboat had to be called out today to rescue a suffering Turk.

The crew member was suffering from stomach pain and as he was onboard 33 miles south of Sagres the local lifeboat splashed into action to pinpoint and meet the 4,000 tonne Maltese registered oil and chemical tanker Bomar Venus.

Italian firm concentrates on tomatoes and migrants

tomatoIt was the British economist EF Schumacher who wrote that small is beautiful and a young firm in Italy is illustrating the concept while helping migrants at the same time.

Funky Tomato was set up earlier this year by a group of farmers in the southern areas of Puglia and Basilicata simply to make passata from locally-grown tomatoes.

Ikea grows up in Spain

ikea2The new boss of Ikea Iberia, Tolga Öncü, has announced bold plans to double the number of outlets in Spain within the coming ten years.

"Right now we have 16 stores in Spain and pickup points and by 2025, we hope that there will be double the opportunities to physically buy from Ikea," he told Spanish newspaper Expansión.

Portugal's public paying for Bank of Portugal governor's failure

bopcarloscostaThe Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública (IGCP), that’s the one that issues government bonds to keep the country going, has been obliged to issued €1.3 billion of debt to start the process of covering the €3.9 billion hole left by the non-sale of Novo Banco.

This is but one of the initiatives of the agency as detailed in its re-written plan to keep the country’s finances on track after the central bank failed to sell Novo Banco, the business that it created from the burnt out wreck of BES last August.

Investigation into BES investment scam lacks urgency and committment

bop2The Bank of Portugal and the stock market regulator CMVM only now are investigating in detail what was said and done at the key BES management meetings at which the creation of the now notorious ‘commercial paper’ investment scheme was approved.

The two regulators want to find those responsible for the decision to create the financial products sold in BES branches that caused the loss of €720 million of euros, leaving about 2,500 depositors stripped of their savings.