Portugal's tourism is up, so are hotel prices

4828Tourists visit Portugal looking for quality and then are happy with the low prices they find, according to the Secretary of State for Tourism.

Portugal is now on world tourism map and, despite never having been the main intention, low prices are one of the benefits noted by those visiting the country.

Galician beef wows London’s food lovers

cowgalicianSpanish steak is tickling the palates of foodies in trendy London restaurants.

The beef comes from retired dairy cows or working oxen, Galician Blonds, which can be as old as 14 years. The cattle will have spent most of their years in pastures.

'Origem Transmontana' cheese and sausages may contain killer botulism

smokedsausageThe foods in question have swiftly been removed from the market but some Origem Transmontana smoked meats and cheeses seized by Portugal’s food safety authority ASEA have been proved to be carrying deadly botulism.

Health officials recorded three cases of botulism this month traced back to dodgy foods and, after investigations, have had the meat products and cheeses under the brand Origem Transmontana withdrawn from the market.

EDP goes green in €200 million alternative energy pledge

edpPortuguese energy giant EDP has presented a set of climate change countermeasures to the UN, including a pledge to invest €200 million by 2020 in research partnerships and the development of clean technologies, energy efficiency and intelligent networks.

"The commitment to provide competitive power based on low carbon levels that are capable of ensuring sustainable economic growth is central to EDP's strategy. But we think we must all do more.

Riot Police called to block BES protestors

pspPassos Coelho and Paulo Portas changed their campaigning plan today to avoid having to speak over noisy BES protestors.

The GNR were on site at Plaza Don Luís, in Paços de Ferreira, Oporto, and with the help of the Riot Police blocked the protestors who had gathered in front of the podium at one end of the square.

Small investors prove keen on Spanish property

spanishpropertyA start-up company in Spain has taken its first step to perking up the country’s property market.

Housers, based in Madrid, is the first such platform to buy an apartment entirely by crowdfunding.

Investigation widens into Algarve University prank

faronewbridgeThe University of the Algarve’s rector opened an investigation into Wednesday’s freshers’ prank which ended up with a paralytic student being admitted to Faro hospital.
The Ministry of Education today stepped in to the public arena created by the affair, which students blame on an over zealous media, and has asked for 'clarification' from the rector António Branco.

Jobs under threat at lame duck Novo Banco

stockdacunhaThe multitude of trade unions representing employees at Novo Banco agreed today that "the anxiety and fear levels increase from day to day, causing the a great strain on workers" and that a restructuring plan announced by management, after the bank failed to sell, may well lead to the departure of many employees.

"The restructuring plan, as the bank has not merged or been taken over by a third party, may jeopardise many jobs and seriously affect the family life of thousands of Portuguese," read a statement released today by the union.