Bribes on the EN125 contract?

crashlouleI’ve written several times that the reconstruction of the EN125 in the Algarve is totally outdated, using roundabouts recommended 35 years ago, writes Jack Soifer.

The latest technique is to use mini-radars to measure incoming traffic nearing a junction with the lights switching to green when there is a high volume from one direction.

This current EN125 reconstruction, characterised by months of inactivity, is causing more accidents than ever.

According to the Via do Infante Comissão de Utentes (CUVI), in August last year we had 50 accidents per day and according to the Agencia Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (ANSR) we had 10,241 accidents last year, 751 more than in 2015. They caused 31 deaths and 158 serious injured who had to stay in hospital for many days.

This year, between Jan.1st and Mar.23rd we had 1,783 accidents, 180 more than same time 2015. While in Portugal accidents dropped 8% in two years, and death with 9%, in the Algarve they increased 10% and deaths by 50%.

On top of millions in lost working time among professionals sitting in long queues on the EN125, we spent millions in hospitals and drugstores, as a result of these accidents.

“Why did politicians and the boss for Estradas de Portugal use an outdated type of project?

Who wins, who loses with this project?

Why are bosses pushing traffic to the A22?”

The engineering project for this road reconstruction is very old and outdated. Any politician should have let the scheme be updated, which did not happen here - why?

Due to the chaos and accident risk, many professionals are returning to the A22 Via do Infante, enriching a foreign company by paying very high toll fees for using a road which was built with European funds.

In most Northern European countries, most new roads have three lanes, where the direction for the centre lane is switched. If someone wishes to overtake a truck or bus, he knows that in one or two minutes there soon will be a 2nd lane for secure overtaking.

Creating wide pedestrian walkways alongside the EN125 is outdated. Having car parking spaces alongside the EN125 is a totally wrong concept!

Why did politicians and the boss of Estradas de Portugal let an outdated project type be used? Who wins and who loses with this project? Why are bosses pushing traffic to the A22?