Economic Democracy? In the EU? - Part 6

Economic Democracy? In the EU? - Part 6In coming issues we will publish a few chapters of this bilingual book, newly launched at the Confederação Empresarial de Portugal, presented by its President Antonio Saraiva, with foreword by the President of the Auditing Court of Portugal, Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.

It was edited by Jack Soifer, with co-authors Francisco B. Weinholtz, John Wolf, Stefan de Vylder, Armindo Palma, Luis Silva, Henrique Neto and Viriato Soromenho-Marques.

Expats in limbo if UK exits the EU?

euBritish expats in Portugal could be excused for wincing at recent utterances by Prime Minister David Cameron.

In declaring that he was drawing a “red line” on the number of unskilled immigrants flooding into the UK, Mr Cameron said he would be demanding restrictions on freedom of movement within the EU.

Lib Dem concern for expat British votes

ballotboxSir, recently many people have raised the issue of expat British Citizens voting in Westminster Parliamentary elections after the 15 year exclusion period.

Liberal Democrats share the concern of British Citizens abroad who lose their say after 15 years and at their Spring Conference this year voted to allow expats to continue to exercise their legitimate and democratic rights.

Resisting Complacency – EU Citizens in UK Strive to Fix European Election Voting Problems

ballotboxPrior to the European elections this past May, the alarm had been raised that the voter registration procedures throughout the European Union were convoluted, difficult to navigate for those trained, and the sheer number clouded most organisations from providing aid to citizens.

While the EU stresses democratic legitimacy of voting, and encourages mobility amongst citizens, the hurdles, which citizens residing in a member state other than their origin had to overcome, were simply ridiculous with unequal voting rights, directly contradicting basic European principles.

Economic Democracy? In the EU? - Part 5

Economic Democracy? In the EU? - Part 5In coming issues we will publish a few chapters of this bilingual book, newly launched at the Confederação Empresarial de Portugal, presented by its President Antonio Saraiva, with foreword by the President of the Auditing Court of Portugal, Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins.
It was edited by Jack Soifer, with co-authors Francisco B. Weinholtz, John Wolf, Stefan de Vylder, Armindo Palma, Luis Silva, Henrique Neto and Viriato Soromenho-Marques.

Expats in ‘tropical’ France denied winter fuel payment

idsRoger Boaden, a British expat living in France,  decided to investigate how Iain Duncan Smith (pictured) had been able to claim that French winters were so balmy.

When Roger Boaden paid £400 to a farmer last week for logs to feed the hungry wood burner in his French home, he wondered how the department for work and pensions (DWP) could possibly claim that where he lived was too hot to justify a winter fuel payment.

I want my vote back!

I want my vote back!Expat Journalist writes to British expats world wide, encouraging them to take part, and get involved in the UK 2015 Election.

Anita Rieu-Sicart, who publishes a small magazine catering to an expat readership in the Var, is writing to expat publications and newspapers worldwide to encourage British expats to take part in the upcoming British General Election.

British politician makes strong case for e-voting in UK

ballotboxE-voting technology is quickly gaining in popularity in many countries all around the world, but the United Kingdom continues to lag behind. At least one British politician is aiming to change that. Commons Speaker John Bercow is making a major push toward updating the British electoral system to integrate more e-voting technology and innovations.

While some of his opponents worry that this would dramatically change the electoral process, Bercow says that the shift to e-voting as an option should not be seen as earth-shattering but rather as a natural step in moving the nation forward.