SEO 101 by Clarity: Keyword intent

SEO 101 by Clarity: Keyword intentYou’ve probably heard lots of times that Google has become very good in understanding the search intent. But do you fully understand what search intent is and how can you use it in your digital marketing? Today we will try to clear out all these doubts.

Search intent is what a user really wants when he types something in the Google’s search. For example, a user that searches “best interior design ideas” is not interested in hiring an interior designer right now, he just wants to see a bunch of beautiful pictures and get inspired before planning his own house renovation.

For Google, it’s important to give a user precisely what he needs at that exact moment. That’s why Google tries to understand the search intent behind the search term that the user entered and show the pages that best suit the real need of the user.

There are four types of search / keyword intent:

  1. Navigational intent – the user is just looking for the exact website. For example, if you type into Google’s search “google ads”, you are most likely just looking for the Google Ads login page.
  1. Informational intent – the user is looking some kind of information. A good example of informational keywords might be “weather in Algarve tomorrow” or “how to make a chocolate cake in 30 minutes”.
  1. Commercial intent – the user is planning to buy something in a near future and conducting his research. For example, “cars with less gas consumption” or “TVs with the best resolution under 500 Euros”.
  1. Transactional intent – the user is ready to buy online or is searching for the place to make the purchase offline. For example “buy PlayStation 4 online” or “camping tents for sale Faro”.

For us, this becomes very important while we’re doing our keyword research and deciding which page to optimise for which keyword. We need to divide the keywords by their intent and then map them, allocating them to pages of the website with the same intent.

So, if we have transactional keywords (buy, order, for sale, etc) we will use them in pages of the website where the user can make a purchase or can find your nearest shop address. For commercial keywords, we will use pages where you explain, in detail, why your product is so much better than the rest on the market. And for informational keywords, we will use the pages from your blog, for instance, if you have one.

The most important thing to remember is that for every keyword selected, you want to show the page the user really needs to see. If you do this, people will stay on your website longer and won’t jump back to the search page, thus showing to Google that your page satisfies their needs. This will help you to grow your organic position.

Happy optimising!

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