Google Ads tips by Clarity

Google Ads tips by ClarityShould I invest more money in my Google Ads campaign or is the current budget enough?

It’s a valid question! Here are some quick and easy steps you can go through to get an answer.

First of all, let's check if there is any notification from Google that says your campaign is limited by budget. Usually, you will immediately see it when you open the “Campaigns” tab.

If you see that your campaign is marked as limited by budget, try to click on the notification and Google will suggest how much money you should add to it, whistle keeping the same settings, in order to lift the limitation. If this value is acceptable to you, the quickest fix will be to accept the new budget.

But if the budget that Google suggests seems too much for you, don’t get upset, there is a way around it. Go to the “Campaigns” tab, click on the name of the campaign in question and then go to the “Settings” tab and check which kind of bidding strategy this campaign has. If the campaign is using “Manual CPC”, just switch it to any automated strategy (for example “Maximise clicks”) and Google will automatically optimise your bids to fit the budget and the campaign will stop being limited.

But what if you are already using an automated bidding strategy? In this case, you will not get the notification that your campaign is limited by budget. But maybe the campaign is losing some valuable impressions and it really needs a budget boost. Let's check it.

Go back to your “Campaigns” tab. At top of the table look for “Columns” and then click “Modify columns”. Click on “Competitive metrics” and select “Search lost IS (budget)”. This will add a column showing the percentage of the impressions for which your ads were eligible, but weren’t shown because of the insufficient budget. If you see a big number there, for example 64%, then you´d better consider increasing your campaign’s budget, as you are losing 64% of ad impressions due to the lack of funds. But if you see 0% or some small number, this means that your budget is perfectly enough and you can only optimise the ads in terms of rank. In this case, adding more money will not bring you any difference whatsoever.

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